for assorted railroads—past, present, and fictional
Celebrating 15 years!
...of helping railfans through the Wwweb of train signals!
Caltrain, Oct 2019
CCOR (Consolidated Code of Operating Rules), 1967, Railroads ⩔
GCOR (General Code of Operating Rules), 1986, Railroads ⩔
KCS (Kansas City Southern Lines), [pre-merger] Apr 2022
NORAC (Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee), Feb 2018, Railroads ⩔
UCOR (Uniform Code of Operating Rules—US), 1950, Railroads ⩔
UCOR (Uniform Code of Operating Rules—US), 1968, Railroads ⩔

Common Switch Position Indicators, modern signals commonly seen on various railroads for manual turnouts

These charts are for entertainment purposes only. They are not authored or endorsed by any of the named railroads, past or present. They are absolutely not for use by railroad employees who are on duty, and are not a substitute for official railroad rules, instructions, timetables, or other applicable publications.

Donations of current or historical rulebooks with complete signaling information and effective date are gladly welcomed. I especially seek the new NORAC 12th Edition complete rulebook. Contact me at the link below if you have pertinent material.

Legal: These files remain the property of their creator. All commercial use of or third-party metering of access to these files is prohibited. These documents shall not be hosted for download from any other site or server without prior permission of their creator. Hot-linking is allowed, provided no payment or other compensation is required to obtain the linking URL. While accuracy and quality of these documents is strived for, no warranty of their completeness or correctness can be provided. Utilize at your own discretion, for hobbyist and personal use only. Documents are updated when newer information is discovered. This page is the home of these documents and will always link the most-current documents available.